About Us


The Legacy Drawer® developer Bill King, has been in the insurance and financial services business for over 35 years.  With designations of CLU and ChFC from the American College, Bill is a dedicated professional and has helped hundreds of clients with their personal financial planning including insurance, investments and financial consulting.

During Bill's career he has had the opportunity to assist  many families who were dealing with feelings of sorrow, grief and confusion at the loss of their loved one. Almost without exception, survivors are overwhelmed by the volume of details that require attention, and by the number of decisions that must be made immediately following the tragic loss of a family member or friend.

As an aid for his clients, Bill developed The Legacy Drawer® binder to help families and individuals organize and manage all their important data and documents in one place.  Initially, it was intended as an aid to assist with organization and planning to help deal with an unexpected crisis or emergency.  But it has become a comprehensive tool for every day use to file and manage important information and documents.  


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